Please note: Now more than ever, due to COVID-19, we need your financial support to bridge the gap from lost funds to continue serving RVA.
If you or your company would like to discuss sponsorship opportunities or ways you can support our remembrance walk/run this Fall, please contact our Development and Events Manager, Nikki Shaw at
Miles in Memory is a virtual walk/run to benefit Full Circle Grief Center. Racers will register to participate online (where they can also set up a personal or team fundraising page) and will use the race website to log their mileage. The virtual event will take place the weekend of October 3 & 4, 2020.
While we’d love to be together for an in-person event like we have for our RoundUp 5K in the past, this is a great way to connect with Full Circle supporters and engage with our mission at the same time during the pandemic. Miles in Memory will take place immediately following Remembrance Month, which we will celebrate in September in honor of Full Circle’s 12th anniversary.
Racers will be encouraged to share who they’re running in memory of and create race teams to raise money for Full Circle if they so choose. Board, Staff, and Volunteers will be encouraged to send in pictures and/or short videos related to why they are running. Full Circle will create a short video in lieu of a kickoff ceremony that will go out to participants in the early morning of October 3. This video will include a thank you to participants, recognition of sponsors, information about Full Circle, and recognition of the lost loved ones participants are running in memory of.
Goodie bags with Full Circle and sponsor swag will be mailed to registrants the second week of October.
This event will be advertised on social media, via the Full Circle website, through mass email, and on community calendars. If and when applicable, Full Circle will pursue local news coverage for the event.
Race Sponsorship Opportunities
$5,000 – Presenting Sponsor (1 Available)
- 15 race registrations
- Company logo/name included in the event title: “Full Circle’s Miles in Memory Remembrance Walk/Run presented by ABC Company”
- Priority placement of company logo/name on electronic promotional opportunities including e-newsletter, social media, and Full Circle website before, during and after event (with link to company’s website)
- Featured post on social media and Full Circle blog highlighting the sponsor’s partnership with Full Circle
- Opportunity for a representative from the company to speak briefly on the kickoff video
- Prominent name/logo recognition in the kickoff video
- May provide swag item to be put in race packet
- Prominent placement of company logo/name on registration website
$2,500 – Matching Miles Sponsor (1 Available)
- 10 race registrations
- Company logo/name listed on electronic promotional opportunities including e-newsletter, social media, and Full Circle website before, during and after event (with link to company’s website)
- Frequent mentions on social media and on electronic promotional opportunities: “ABC Company will match every registration fee up to 100!”
- Recognition in the kickoff video
- May provide swag item to be put in race packet
$2,500 – Kickoff Video Sponsor (1 Available)
- 10 race registrations
- Company logo/name listed on electronic promotional opportunities including e-newsletter, social media, and Full Circle website before, during and after event (with link to company’s website)
- Recognition slide at the end of the kickoff video with company name/logo
- Additional recognition in the kickoff video
- May provide swag item to be put in race packet
$1,000 – Website Sponsor (1 SOLD: The Strum Group)
- 5 race registrations
- Company logo/name listed on electronic promotional opportunities including e-newsletter, social media, and Full Circle website before, during and after event (with link to company’s website)
- Prominent placement of company logo/name on registration website
$1,000 – Program Spotlight Sponsor (6 Available)
- 5 race registrations
- Company logo/name listed on electronic promotional opportunities including e-newsletter, social media, and Full Circle website before, during and after event
- Recognition of company’s sponsorship of one of the following Full Circle programs on social media remembrance testimonials: Hands on Healing Family Group, Perinatal Loss Group, Suicide Loss Group, Overdose Loss Group, Pregnancy After Loss Group, Individual Counseling
- Please specify if your company has a particular interest in a specific group listed above
$750 – Swag Bag Sponsor (3 SOLD: Chaplin & Qureshi, Headley Parham, Virginia Family Dentistry)
- 5 race registrations
- Company logo/name listed on electronic promotional opportunities including e-newsletter, social media, and Full Circle website before, during and after event
- Opportunity to brand or co-brand swag items in post-race goodie bags
$500 – Raffle Sponsor (2 available and 1 SOLD: Ronnie Shriner Insurance)
- 2 race registrations
- Company logo/name listed on electronic promotional opportunities including e-newsletter, social media, and Full Circle website before, during and after event
- Recognition during raffle-related communications: “Special thanks to ABC Company, one of our raffle sponsors!”